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Thai Railways

Major Rail Cities in Thailand

The Big City 'Hubs' on Thai Railways
City centers for many forms of transport (Air, Boat, Bus, Minivan, Subways, Tuk-Tuk, Songthaew, Taxi, and Motorbike). Some of these 'Hubs' (like Bangkok and Chiang Mai) are culturally interesting themselves, and have many sights to see / things to do. Other 'Hubs' (like Surat Thani and Hat Yai) are not so interesting themselves, but provide transportation access to common / popular destinations like beaches and borders.

Bangkok - To get to Bangkok By Thai Railways
All Thai Rail Lines lead to/from the 'City of Angels'. Bangkok is the 'Central Railway Hub' for all Rail Lines in Thailand. You may reach Bangkok from all of Thailand's Regions (North, Northeast, Central, East, and South) by Thai Railways Rail Lines. All Northern, Northeastern, Southern, and Eastern Train Lines have Bangkok's Hualamphong Station as their first or final stop. There are also several Lesser Bangkok Area Rail Stations including Thonburi Station (for Western Line Trips) and Don Muang Station (for Bangkok Metro and Don Muang Airport Access). ... more on Bangkok Train Stations

Chiang Mai - To get to Chiang Mai By Thai Railways
Take an Overnight Train on Thai Railways Southern Train Line from Bangkok's Hualamphong Station to Chiang Mai Train Station. Chiang Mai is the Final Station on Thai Railways Northern Line, and the Central 'Hub' of Northern Thailand. From Chiang Mai, there is bus access to all destinations in Northern Thailand. ... more on Chiang Mai Train Station & Transfer Info

Hat Yai - To get to Hat Yai By Thai Railways
Take an Overnight Train on Thai Railways Southern Train Line from Bangkok's Hualamphong Train Station to Hat Yai Train Station. Hat Yai is the 'Southern Hub' for all trains going into / coming from Malaysia via Padang Besar, Malaysia. Hat Yai is also the Southern Bus and Minivan Hub for all other destinations in Southern Thailand and Malaysia. (See 'Visa-Run' Section and 'International Train Service' Section ) ... more on Hat Yai Train Station

Surathani - To get to Surat Thani By Thai Railways
Take an Overnight Train (several daily) on Thai Railways Southern Line from Bangkok's Hualanphong Station to Surat Thani (Phun Phin). You can also get to Surat Thani by train from Malaysia and Singapore, but the international connections may be difficult to book. Surat Thani is a 'transfer hub' for bus/boat service to all the popular beach areas in the Central Southern Penninsula. (see International Train Services and Beaches) ... more on Surathani Train Station

Trang - To Get To Trang By Thai Rail
Take an overnight train (two daily) on Thai Railways Southern Line from Bangkok's Hualamphong Station to Trang Train Station. You can also get to Trang via Thung Song Junction (on Thai Railways Southern Line) from points South, such as Hat Yai and Malaysia. Trang provides access to some nice, lesser-known nearby Southern Beaches and Islands. (see International Train Services and Hat Yai Sections)... more on Trang Train Station

Udonthani (Udon)-To get to Udon Thani (Nong Khai) By Thai Railways
Take Thai Railways Northeastern (North Isaan) Line from Bangkok's Hualamphong Station bound for Nong Khai, and get off at Udon Thani. From Udon Thani Station there are connecting bus services to destinations in Laos, Cambodia, and around Isaan.... more on Udon Train Station


Other 'City' Destinations

Ayutthaya - How to get to Ayutthaya by Thai Railways
Ayuthaya sits on an island on a bend of the Chao Phraya River, 71 km North of Bangkok. In its 'Glory Years' Ayutthaya was known as one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world. Originally founded by King U-Thong in 1350, Ayutthaya was the ancient capital of the Thai kingdom in its greatest time. The city was completely destroyed during the final Burmese Invasion in 1767. Most of its treasures were stolen, and its population forcibly taken to Burma. Ayutthaya was left in ruins until 1976, when Ayutthaya was declared a historical park. The remains of the temples and palaces have been cleared and restored a little, and are some of the most spectacular in South East Asia. Ayutthaya is an easy 90 minute train ride away from Bangkok. Take any train on Thai Railways Northern or Northeastern Lines to Ayutthaya.

Kanchanaburi ('Death Railway Bridge') - How to get to Kanchanaburi by Thai Railways
Kanchanaburi is about 120 km Northwest of Bangkok, at the point where the Kwae Noi and Kwae Yai Rivers join to form the Mekong. Kanchanaburi is famous as the home of the infamous 'River Kwae Bridge' or Bridge 277. This bridge is still in service, and scenery is fantastic from Kanchanaburi to Nam Tok. The bridge was constructed using 'forced labor' during the Japanese Occupation in World War II. Over 100,000 Asians and 16,000 allied P.O.W.'s died during the construction of the bridge and the adjacent 'Death Railway'. There are many memorial sites to see in Kanchanaburi, including the Kanchanaburi War Cemetary and the 'Death War Museum'. In addition, Kanchanaburi provides access to some spectacular scenic places near the Burmese Border, like Erawan Natinal Park. Take a Nam Tok- bound train on Thai Railways Western Lines from Thonburi (Bangkok Noi) Rail Station to Kanchanaburi. There are also 'Weekend Excursion Tourist Trains' that depart ONLY ON WEEKENDS from Bangkok's Hualamphong Central Station.

Lamphun - How to get to Lamphun by Thai Railways
Lamphun is a 'Moated city' about 26 km South of Chiang Mai, on the bank of the Kuang River. Lamphun is one of the oldest and most historic cities in Thailand. Lamphun's attractions include numerous ancient sites and ruins, nearby forests, mountains and lakes. Take Thai Railways Northern Line to Lamphun. There is frequent train service from Chiang Mai and service from points South on Thai Railways Northern Line as well.

Lopburi - How to get to Lopburi by Thai Railways
Lopburi lies on the East Bank of the Lopburi River, about 155 km North of Bangkok. Lopburi is famous both for its Khmer Monuments and also for the large gangs of Macaque Monkeys who wander the streets of 'old city'. They seem to prefer the area of Phra Prang Sam Yot and Phra Kaan Shrine, and there's even a 'Monkey Temple' amusement park where you can buy snacks to feed to them. Be aware of monkey 'bag snatchers' though. Lopburi is one of the ancient capitals of Thailand (Second after Ayutthaya). Take Thai Railways Northern Line to Lopburi.  (about 3 hours).

Nakhon Pathom ('Floating Market') - How to get to Nakhon Pathom by Thai Railways
Nakhon's claim to be the 'Oldest City in Thailand' is debatable, however its 120 meter-brick stupa, Phra Pathom Chedi, is the 'World's Largest Stupa'. Phra Pathom Chedi is also Thailand's Oldest Buddhist Temple, dating back to the 6th century AD. Nakhon Pathom is also home to Damnoen Saduak 'Floating Market', the best-known floating market in Thailand. Old 'Village Women' Sell Fruits, Vegetables, and handcrafts from wooden Canoes on the canal. Hire your own boat from a pier on Th Sukhaphiban. The Floating Market has gotten a bit touristy in recent years, but it's still a fun way to pass a few hours. Damnoen Saduak's 'Floating Market' is one of the main sights to see either on a 'Day Trip' from Bangkok or on the way to Kanchanaburi. Take a Nam Tok-bound train on Thai Railways Western Lines from Thonburi Rail Station to Nakhon Pathom. In Nakhon Pathom, take bus No 78. from the Bus Stop in front of Police Station (Kwaa-Pra Road)(about 1 hour). Buses come every 30 mins.

Angkor Wat (Siem Reap) (Cambodia) - How to get to Siem Reap by Thai Railways
Siem Reap was once a quaint village, but has become the largest boomtown and construction site in Cambodia due to tourism from the Angkor Archaeological Park Sites. Even so, Siem Reap is a laid-back, pleasant place to stay while visiting Angkor Archaeological Park. Angkor Archaeological Park (Angkor Wat), in Northern Cambodia, is one of the most important archaeological sites in South-East Asia. Angkor Wat stretches over some 400 sq. km, and contains the magnificent remains of several capitals of the Khmer Empire from the 9th to the 15th centuries. The temples include the famous 'Temple of Angkor Wat' and the 'Bayon Temple'. Angkor was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1992. Angkor is located about 20 minutes North of Siem Reap by car or motorbike. Take a Thai Railways (North) Eastern Line Train to Aranyaprathat ('Aran'), on the Thai /Cambodian Border. Take a 'tuk-tuk across the Border to Poipet (Cambodia), then a 'Pickup Trick' to Siem Reap / Angkor Wat. Most of the Poipet - Sisophon - Siem Reap road is not paved, although the condition of the 'unpaved' Cambodian Highways has improved dramatically in the last few years. The Aranyaprathat / Poipet Border-Crossing is the most popular and direct overland route from Bangkok and Eastern Thailand to Siem Reap and the Angkor Archaeological Site.


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