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Krabi Taxi / Transfer

Thai Railways

Trang Train Station

There are numerous Travel Agencies all around Trang Rail Station to help you plan the next part of your trip and encourage you to spend more money. Inside Trang Station, there is a 'Left-Luggage Counter', travel agencies, and an Advance-Booking Window.

Trang - Local Transfer Information
Trang is a 'Mini-Hub' for convenient and frequent bus / bus transfers, and less-convenient train / bus transfers. Long-distance rail service to/from Trang Station is not frequent, so you may find more convenient transfer times in Surat Thani or Hat Yai Rail Stations. But transfers are less-complicated in Trang than in Surat Thani, and bus / minivan service is well-organized. Check your train and bus timetables first, allowing for late arrivals. In Trang, there is frequent long-distance (Air-Conditioned) and local (Fan) bus service to Hat Yai, Satun, Ko Lanta, Krabi, Phuket,  Surat Thani, and La-Ngu (by local bus / with songthaew transfer for Pak Bara and Ko Tarutao Islands / Ko Lipe ferry services). There is frequent Minivan Service to Hat Yai, Ko Lanta, and Surat Thani. Travel agencies near Trang Station can arrange travel to many other destinations.
(See Beaches - Ko Tarutao and Ko Lipe Section, and Krabi Section / Cities - Hat Yai Section / 'Visa-Runs' - Satun for more details)

Quick Facts on Trang Train Service

  • There are two daily trains from Bangkok to Trang:
  • Two trains per day from Thong Song Station to Trang
  • From Trang Station, the Kantang Line continues on to Kantang
  • There is frequent, Local Commuter Train Service to Trang Station

Trang - To Get To Trang By Thai Rail
Take an overnight train (two daily) on Thai Railways Southern Line from Bangkok's Hualamphong Station to Trang Train Station. Trang Train Station is on the Kantang Branch Line, which splits off from the Main Southern Rail Line at Thung Song Junction. You can also get to Thung Song Junction from points South, such as Hat Yai on Thailand's Southern Train Line, and from Malaysia. Trang isn't a 'Tourist Destination' in itself, however it provides access to some nice, lesser-known, nearby Southern Beaches and Islands. It is much more convenient to get to Ko Lanta from Krabi town than form Trang.


Thai Railway