Thai Railways
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Thai Railways

General Railway Information

General Train Travel Related Advice - Some of the following 'advice' may just be 'common sense' Issues, but just in case it didn't occur to you, here it is:

  • Check your the seat number and date on your ticket once you receive it. Tickets have the train time and seat / berth number printed on it.
  • Arrive early to find your seat and store your bags
  • To find the correct train, check the destination and carriage number posted on the side of each carriage.
    ( For First and Second-Class Travel, you will usually have a 'reserved' seat and carriage)
  • Sometimes, platforms are changed at the last minute, so, show your ticket to the platform staff to make sure you have the correct train. Even if they cannot speak English, they will point you in the right direction.
  • Also read 'Problems on Train' Section)

General SRT Travel Rules and Policy / Regulations - For SRT Rules and regualtions, you have to contact the SRT offices and ask the staff about 'Specific Information'. (i.e..Luggage Allowance, Advance-Booking, refunds, etc.). (See 'SRT Policy')

Important Rail-Related Contact Information See 'SRT Contact Info'

Police & Medical Emergencies on Trains - Police regularly patrol the train carriages on every train.

- future routes -- here
- bangkok metro -- here
- thai holidays -- here
- problems on train -- here

Thai Railway