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Thai Railways

Udon Thani (Udon) Train Station

About - Udon Thani Train Station - Udon Thani (Udon) began to boom in the 1960's as a U.S. Air Base during the Vietnam War. After the war, tourists were few, until the discovery of the archaeological site at Ban Chiang (35 kilometers East) and the new bridge to Laos from nearby Nong Khai. Bus and Air Service to / from 'Udon' is faster and more convenient than Rail Service, but not as enjoyable and relaxing. Udon Thani and Nong Khai both have access to the same sights, however Udon Thani lacks the romantic appal of being on the Mekong River (Udon is right on a major highway). As a result, Udon Thani is less-touristed and more traditional than its neighbor. Vientiane, the capital of Laos, is about 1 1/2 hours away by bus, across the Mekong River. Services inside Udon Thani Rail Station include a 'Left-Luggage Counter' and an 'Advance-Booking' Office.

Udon Thani - Local Transfer Information
From Udon Thani Station, there is a connection for direct bus service to the Morning Market in Vientiane (2 hours).
Express Air conditioned buses leave the Udorn Central Bus Station three times daily for Vientiane. A 'Visa-on-Arrival' for Laos at the Friendship Bridge costs $30 for 30 days (two passport photos are required or there is an additional $1 charge).

Quick Facts on Udon Thani Train Service

  • A variety of train services are available to/from Bangkok, slow and faster (8-9 Hours).
  • Trains from Bangkok continue onto Nong Khai from Udon Thani Station
  • There are three trains per day in each direction between Bangkok and Udon Thani

Udon Thani (Udon) - How To get to Udon Thani (Nong Khai) By Thai Railways
Take Thai Railways Northeastern (North Isaan) Line from Bangkok's Hualamphong Station bound for Nong Khai and get of at Udon Thani Station.

Thai Railway