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Thai Railways

The Beds & Sleeping Comfort

Sleeping on Thai Railways
Thai Railways offers several different 'Sleeper' Services. Not All 'Rapid Servicee Trains' have sleeping berths carriages. All 'Express and Special Express Service Trains' have sleeping berth carriages. Sleeper Carriages are only available in First-Class and Second-Classes (Fan or Air-Conditioned) Service. In both classes the beds are around 2m (6.5 ft) in length. The Beds are comfortable and the sheets are clean. Attendants quickly assemble and make up the beds at the passengers request, so there isn't a 'set time' for this service. Again, the style of sleeping accomodation depends on the Class of Travel.

a. First-Class - The beds / seating are in private compartments. The daytime sofa is converted into a full size bunk bed at night. Another bed above it is folded down from the wall.

b. Second-Class Sleeper (Fan or Air-Conditioned) - Second-Class Sleeper Service has open berths (not private compartments) along the coach wall on either side of a central aisle. The two facing seats are pulled together at night to form the bottom bunk. The upper bunk folds out from the wall above. Curtains are hung up in front of both bunks to allow more privacy. Lower berths are slightly more expensive, but they area bit wider, more comfortable, and have a window (the upper berth does not).

Thai Railway