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Thai Railways

Thai Railways serving the West of Thailand

Western Train Lines

Thailand Railways Western Lines are Thai Railways Shortest Lines, heading West and Northwest from Bangkok. At Nong Pla Duk Junction, the Western Lines break away from the Southern Line, and then branch off into two Sub-Lines. One 'sub-line' heads West to Nakhon Pathom (the famous 'Floating Market'),  and Kanchanaburi, near the Myanmar Border (the infamous River Kwae (Kwae Noi) Bridge). The other 'sub-line' heads Northwest to Suphan Buri. Another Western Line, The Mae Khlong Mahachai Railway, is part of the SRT, but is not physically connected to the the network. and heads to some pleasant seaside villages near Bangkok.

Common Destinations on Thai Railways Western Lines
  • Kanchanaburi - River Kwai ( Kwai Noi) Bridge (read more)
  • Nakhon Pathomi - Floating Market (read more)
  • Three Pagodas Passi
  • Sai Yok Noi - 'Death Railway '
  • Suphanburi
  • Samut Sakhon - Samut Songkran
Side Notes on Thailand's Western Lines
The Mae Khlong-Mahachai Railway runs from Wong Wian Yai Station in Thonburi (West Bangkok) to Samut Songkhram on the Gulf of Thailand Coast. Originally designed as a private line to take sea produce from the fishing ports of Samut Sakhon (formerly Mahachai) and Samut Songkram (or Maekhlong) to the markets of Bangkok. The service breaks at Samut Sakhon, where passengers must get off, cross the Chin River by ferry, reboard on the opposite bank, and continue to Samut Songkhram.

All Stations / Routes on Thailand's Western Lines

Western Lines

a. Main Junctions - Bang Sue, Nong Pla Duk

b. Nam Tok (Sai Yok Noi / 'Death Railway') Branch - Nam Tok
--1. Junction - Nong Pla Duk
--2. Major Nam Tok Branch Stations - Nakhon Pathom, Kanchanaburi, River Kwae (Kwae Noi) Bridge.
--3. List All Nam Tok Branch Stations

c. Suphan Buri Branch - Suphan Buri
--1. Junction - Nong Pla Duk
--2. List All Suphan Buri Branch Stations

d. Thonburi Branch
--1. Junction - Taling Chan

e. The Mae Khlong Mahachai Railway (Thon Buri Line) - Samut Songkram
--1. Depot - Wong Wian Yai Station in Thonburi (No Junction to Main Line)
--2. Major Mae Khlong Mahachai Railway Statiions - Wong Wian Yai (Depot), Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhram (Last Station)
----a. Mahachai Branch - Wong Wian Yai (Depot) to Samut Sakhon (Mahachai)
----b. Ban Laem Branch - Ban Laem to Samut Songkhram (Maekhlong)
--3. All Mae Khlong Mahachai Railway Stations

Thai Railway