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Thai Railways

How comfortable are trains in thailand

Comparison and Review of Travel Class and Comfortability

As stated above, train travel in Thailand is comfortable, safe, and relaxing, but this depends a lot on both the passenger's needs and the class of travel. It's very hard to find a train which has all the different available classes, but most trains seem to have at least 2 classes on them.

The Classes of train travel in Thailand range from the sheer luxury of the Eastern and Oriental Express (Bangkok to Singapore), to First-Class Sleeper, Second-Class Sleeper (Air-Conditioned or Fan), Second-Class Seated (Air-Conditioned or Fan), and Third-Class Seated (including commuter service).

First Class
'Higher-End' overnight services offers private, lockable, compartments with a comfortable sofa during the day. The sofa is converted into a full size bunk bed at night, while another above it is folded down from the wall. Other features include self-controlled air-conditioning, a private sink, soap and towel, inside baggage storage, and even a shower in the toilet. It's a great choice if you need your 'space'.
Second Class
overnight service lacks many of these extra 'comforts' (like private compartments), but is just as relaxing and enjoyable for most travelers, and saves on one night's accommodation. Second-Class Sleepers have open berths along the coach wall on either side of a central aisle, luggage racks beside the berths, and shared washbasins. During the day there are two facing seats, which at night are pulled together to form the bottom bunk. An upper bunk folds out from the wall above, and curtains are hung up to give you privacy. In both First and Second-Classes the beds are around 2m (6.5 ft) in length, and attendants assemble and make up the beds for you. Attendants on all overnight trains also provide printed menus with 'meal sets' to be served at your seat.
Second Class (Seated)
(Air-Conditioned) Express Service is excellent for daytime travel with comfortable reclining seats and hostess service (snacks and drinks) included in the fare. Second-Class (Seated / Air-Conditioned or Fan) Ordinary / Local ServIce  is slower than the Express Service, but just as comfortable.
Third Class
(Seated / Fan or Air-Conditioned) Ordinary / Local Service is a surprisingly clean and acceptable by European standards. It is usually not crowded (aside from the commuter 'Rush-Hour'), unbelievably cheap and ideal for short trips. The seats on many Third-Class Train Services are the hard, 'bench-style', wooden slat type. Some Third-Class Commuter Services in Bangkok and some Third-Class Long-Distance (Rapid) Services are air-conditioned with 'padded' seating.
Types of 'Train Services'
There are generally four types of 'Train Services' available within the classes, Local, Rapid, Express, and Special Express. Prices gradually increase (from lowest to highest) along with both speed and price.   All Special Express and Express Service Trains have sleeping berth carriages (First and Second-Class Air-Conditioned), but only some of the Rapid Service Trains do.  Second-Class Fan Sleepers are only on Rapid Service Trains. There is no Third-Class on Express Service Trains.   ( read more..... ) All Express Service  Seated Trains (Air-Conditioned or Fan) serve delicious food, but it can be a bit pricey. All Rapid Service Trains have inexpensive, delicious Thai food available. Certain Long-Distance trains, such as the 'Daytime Express' from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, schedule a 'Get out and Stretch' stop of about 15 minutes.   ( read more..... )

Thai Railway