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Thai Railways

Class of Travel

There is a variety of Classes of Travel on Thai Railways Trains. The Class of Train Travel you choose depends on your budget and how much privacy you require. Train travel in Thailand is generally comfortable, safe, and relaxing, The level of comfort depends on both the passenger's needs and the Class of Travel. The Classes of Thai Railways Train Travel include First-Class Sleeper, Second-Class Sleeper, Second-Class Seated, and Third-Class Seated. The four basic types of 'Train Services Types' available within the classes are Local / Ordinary, Rapid, Express, and Special Express. These Train Service Types gradually increase in price when they increase in speed. Some of the Express 'Daytime' Services include food service. Onboard features such as Luggage Storage, Toilets, Seating / Beds, and Food varies from Class-to-Class.

Travel Class - First, Second, and Third Classs

Types of Trains - Express, Rapid, and Local

Dining - Food and Dining Car

Beds - Sleeper Berths

Comfort of Seating - Chairs

Luggage Storage - Limits on Baggage


Thai Railway